Our Vision
Pikoversum is a micro-economy with unlimited trading possibilities and connects art with virtual breeding even beyond the Second Life platform. The use is fully possible on mobile devices without installing apps (only via the browser). Assets, art and collectibles are in line with trade. The user's time investment is low due to automation features.
Official release of the Unicorn Breedable:
- New starter with a lot of new hidden traits.
- Various starter packages.
- Regular food consumption.
Since Jan 2024
PRE-LIVE: Assets and breedables are operated with real data!
- Pikoversum is LIVE from this day on.
- Database from alpha phase is reset. (all data will be deleted)
- From this point on, the platform will be operated with real data. No more progress will be deleted
- A few hidden traits are contained within the pre-live starters.
- Breedables consume less food during the pre-live phase (50% reduction).
Concepts and planned features
We have already worked out numerous functions and concepts for the future. Our mission is to enrich Pikoversum with content and events with the involvement of our users.
- More Breedables (e.g. cows, insects, plants, fantasy, abstract art creatures...)
- Much more resources and assets. (e.g. water, oil, energy...)
- More Events
- Extensive crafting features for Breedables.
- More potions and spells for Breedables.
- Revenue (tax) or other benefits due to population.
- Further development of breeding rules to improve automation of breeding projects.
- Smart trading contracts: Resources are sold daily to a trading partner at a defined quantity and price.
- Product inquiries on the marketplace. Users can request a specific product at a defined price on the marketplace. Sellers can finalize the trade immediately and sale of the goods is completed.
- Listing enhancements, refresh (bring to the top) features on the marketplace.
- Animesh (3D) Breedables are already supported by our engine and are possible in the future.
- War, military or tactical games against other users.
- And many more surprises or still top secret concepts.
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